When two contributors have changes to the same UML Model, the graphical merge session allows partial acceptance of either side of the UML Model Elements, as well as elements from UML diagrams. 当两个提交人都对同一个UML模型进行修改时,图形化的合并会话可以让你接受其中一方的UML模型元素,还有UML图中的元素。
Also, it is possible to create "stubbed" or partial implementations so that implementation of each of the elements can occur in parallel. 同样,我们可以建立“存根的”或者部分的实现,使得每一个元素的实现都能够平行实现。
Such assets are considered partial implementations, but require additional elements before they can be instantiated. 这样的资产考虑过部分的实现,但是在它们被例示之前需要额外的元素。
Authors propose that the partial or whole replacement of noble metals by rare earth elements is an important direction in the future developments of emission control three way catalysts. 采用稀土元素部分或全部取代贵金属是研制开发三效汽车排气净化催化剂的重要方向。
So We have prove that each P-congruence on P-regular semigroups is uniquely determined by its partial kernel normal systems containing idempotent elements. 由此推出了P-正则半群上的每个P-同余完全是由其包含幂等元的部分核正规系所决定的。
The difference in trace elements and Pb isotope between dehydration and partial melting of island arc basalt ( IAB) is discussed based on the distribution coefficients of trace elements published. 笔者利用已有的微量元素分配系数,讨论了岛弧玄武岩在脱水和部分熔融2种过程中微量元素行为和铅同位素演化的差异。
On the Construction of a Jacobi Matrix from Its Spectrum and Partial Elements 由谱及部分元素构造Jacobi矩阵
Proof of Partial Fundamental Elements for Conventional Axonometric Drawing-with Orthogonal Oblique Projection and Analysis 斜二测和正轴测部分基素的证明&运用正、斜投影与解析法
Some problems on the partial order in Banach algebras and C-algebras are studied. The uniqueness of the multiplicative cone which contains all the positive elements of the C-algebra is discussed. Conditions of Banach algebras becoming C-algebras are presented. 研究了Banach代数与C代数中半序的某些性质,证明了在C代数中,包含正元的乘锥是唯一的,并给出了Banach代数成为C代数的一些充分条件。
Effect of partial loss of support on the internal forces of structure elements 地基土部分支承损失时结构构件的内力影响
This paper describes the procedure of the generation of the data block, and gives out the formulas of the partial derivatives of satellite azimuth A and height H to its elements M and O, they are necessary to search satellite in a small sky region. 本文综述了产生这个数据块的方法,推导出了求卫星的方位和高度对卫星轨道根数的偏导数的公式,这些是在小范围天区内搜索卫星所必需的。
Two partially adaptive schemes, partial elements and partial bits adaptive beam-forming, were discussed with the genetic algorithm. 对基于改进遗传算法的唯相阵列部分阵元自适应波束形成和部分比特自适应波束形成进行了研究。
Based on this method, the partial output feedback control principle is discussed, the algorithm of partial output feedback matrices with some elements fixed is developed, and thus the result control system configuration is simplified. 本文在此基础上,提出求局部输出反馈阵(其中一部分元素限定为零)的方法,从而可使设计具有更大的灵活性,系统配置也可更为简单。
Research on the Problem of Total and Partial Amount of the Inorganic Elements in Teas 茶叶中无机元素总量和分量问题的研究
Evidence of Partial Melting of Eclogites from Dabie-Sulu Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Belt: Trace Elements and Pb Isotope 大别苏鲁超高压变质带榴辉岩部分熔融的证据微量元素和铅同位素
Standards-based education reform ( SBER), in its general sense, means that curriculum standards in basic education are developed first, then partial elements of educational system are reformed according to the curriculum standards, which aims to attain or exceed the curriculum standards. 基于课程标准的教育改革在广义上指一切以基础教育中的课程标准为基础,据此对教育系统的部分环节进行改革的策略,其目的是为了达到或超过课程标准的要求。
The inverses are necessary in many problems, such as the computation of the condition number of this matrix, the computation of the "partial inverse elements" in some engineering problems and the solution of linear system whose coefficient matrix is tridiagonal or block tridiagonal. 三对角矩阵的条件数计算,部分逆元素的计算及线性方程组求解等问题都涉及到该类矩阵的逆。
Test result of dielectric strength, partial discharge and endurance property are analyzed and contrasted between solid dielectric is two film and tree film in model capacitor elements. 本文比对分析了极间介质为两层膜和三层膜的模型电容器元件的介电强度、局部放电性能以及耐久性能的试验结果。
They display MORB-normalized trace element diagrams characterized by partial LILE ( Rb 、 Ba) positive anomalies, with no significant other elements fractionation, and without significant Nb and Ta anomalies. 微量元素MORB标准化图中富集部分大离子亲石元素(Rb,Ba),其它元素分馏小,无明显的Nb,Ta等负异常。
The variety of pore water pressure with time during earthquake and the distribution of pore water pressure after earthquake were investigated in the dynamic analysis, and the acceleration action process of partial nodes and the shear stress variety process of partial elements were also obtained. 动力分析中详细给出了坝体在地震期间孔压变化过程及震后的孔压分布,并给出了部分结点的加速度反应时程及部分单元的剪应力时程。
Comparison between partial components and trace elements in sepia and squid ink 部分的二重脊髓鱿鱼墨和乌贼墨部分成分及微量元素含量比较
In addition, we prove that there are individual character through the partial correlation analysis between CV elements and the customer's individual character istics. 并通过概率计算确定了九个要素的相对重要性。另外,通过对顾客价值与消费者个体特征变量间进行偏相关性分析,证明了顾客价值的个体性特征。
In addition, paper proves that there are individual character through the variances analysis between online-game CV elements and the customer's individual characteristics, and the partial correlation analysis between online-game CV elements and customer's behavior characteristics. 另外,通过对网络游戏顾客价值与玩家个体特性作方差分析、与玩家行为特性作相关性分析,证明顾客价值的个体性特征。
According to the partial constraints, the decision variables are divided into free and non-free ones. Only non-free variables are coded to further lessen the chromosome length and to decrease the alterable elements. 将约束分为全局约束和局部约束,根据局部约束将决策变量分为自由变量和非自由变量,仅对非自由变量进行编码,减少了染色体变化要素。
Some discussions on moments of the maximum of normed partial sums of B-valued random elements 关于B值随机元赋范部分和最大值的矩的若干讨论
The partial traceability code can be constructed on the { 0,1} while the traceability code can only be constructed on the alphabet having more than three elements, so it is more fit for the protecting of digital product than ever used. 该码可以建立在{0,1}上,而可追踪码只能建立在三个字母以上,这说明部分可追踪码更适合应用到数字产品的保护中。
The IC construction in our country is now in the early stage, with a few numbers of libraries having partial elements of IC. 我国的信息共享空间建设目前仍处于萌芽阶段,仅在为数不多的图书馆中存在部分构成元素。